Talking to the ‘Reputation Matters’ podcast about what has driven my career path

A-way back in November 2020, I spoke to Communication and Reputation Coach and presenter Jon Hammond on his Reputation Matters podcast. Jon talks to ‘fascinating leaders about their journey, their challenges, who’s influenced them and their tips for reputational and life success.’

Jon managed, within the first five minutes, to dig out my early life story about growing up in a Conservative Christian family in Wyoming, how I got an early taste for politics when I started volunteering on campaigns at the age of 10, and how being forced on-stage at church kickstarted my career as a spokesperson, campaigner and speaker. I talk about how I still credit that background with shaping the values I have embodied as an LGBTQI, environmental and racial justice activist. (Thanks, Mom and Dad - I became what you raised me to become, but you didn’t know at the time you were creating such a Progressive, Boat Rocking, beast).

Give it a listen to hear the whistle-stop tour of my career and why I have no regrets about spending time working for Nestle (and why past reputation issues haunt them to this day). I share my definition of ‘activism’ as anyone who decides to live more in alignment with their values and makes little or big decisions differently as a result.

We talk evolutionary biology and how we’re all hard-wired to avoid change and how teaching yoga has taught me to help others step up to the edge of their comfort zones and sail over the edge into their superpowers. Adding to that thought, I talk about a solo episode I recorded for my own podcast, ‘The Discomfort Practice’ about being in the unknown.

You can then hear hammering next door in my neighbour’s flat (#reallife) as we talk about how the pandemic has boosted the profile and priority of social and environmental issues in corporate, government and community priorities. Jon wraps things up by kindly promoting my recently-published book, Communicating Social and Environmental Issues Effectively. If you want to hear a pro at work, listen to Jon interviewing me or, well, anyone.


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