Speaking Events
I love the dance of facilitation, of chairing an event or of truly engaging an audience in a speech I'm giving - whether virtual or in-person. Speaking and facilitating are among my favourite things to do, after 30 years of practice and training.
I have also finally embraced the reality that the gods gave me a good voice, which has been polished by years of vocal and presentation training and practice. So I welcome opportunities to bring what I term my ‘3am DJ Voice’ to a podcast interview or mindfulness session.
I have access to a production studio here at home in Barcelona, Spain, so am able to offer live or recorded virtual keynote speeches and interviews. Let me know what you need and I can probably choreograph something with you that delivers.
My topics:
Modern leadership + trends
Social & environmental sustainability + trends
Sustainable working culture
The power of feminine leadership
Impactful communications (on all the topics above)
The Podcast
I launched The Discomfort Practice podcast in October 2020. On it, I speak to a range of fascinating leaders, activists, scientists, experts and others on the value of discomfort in shaping who they are, what they do in the world, and how it is essential to help us collectively evolve.
Get in touch to let me know how you find the podcast, to suggest guests, or to just shoot the shit about an episode you've enjoyed.