Episode #52: Kasia Urbaniak on How Taoist Training and Dominatrix Work Helped Her Understand Power

In this episode, I was delighted (and a little bit awestruck) to speak to Kasia Urbaniak, the Founder, and CEO of The Academy, a school that teaches women the foundations of power and influence. Kasia's perspective on power is unique. Over the course of nearly 20 years, she has worked as a professional Dominatrix, practiced Taoist alchemy in one of the oldest female-led monasteries in China, and obtained dozens of certifications in different disciplines, including Medical Qi Gong and Systemic Constellations. Since founding The Academy in 2013, Kasia has taught over 4,000 women to radically increase their power, agency, and influence. 

Using practical tools, The Academy graduates transform their lives by breaking the york of “Good Girl Conditioning” They step boldly into leadership roles within their relationships, families, workplaces, and wider communities. They become adept in the art of verbal self-defense against bulldozing, bullying, and gaslighting. Women are the most critical, yet least represented voices in determining the future of our world and there’s never been a better time than now to have women participating in fully meaningful conversations with as many people as possible. It can start here for you, so join Kasia and me as we discuss how you can liberate yourself from conditioned responses and learned behaviors to unleash the true power of female nature within you and live a full life in accordance with your desires.

Key Points Discussed:

  • How discomfort shaped her life and destiny and revealed her path (05:49)

  • Setting up The Academy unintentionally when she was in her own journey of understanding power as a woman (10:11)

  • Why women should stop taking best-supporting actress roles in their own lives (14:06)

  • Unpacking the Good Girl Double Bind: The No-Win situation for women (17:40)

  • The superficial war between the good girl and the independent woman (22:14)

  • To be Submissive or Dominant: Kasia’s brilliant explanation of power (27:50)

  • The detriment of domesticating our desires and why the core of the dominant experience is being submissive (40:08)

  • Mastering the art of playing with No (46:28)

  • Women finding their power and using it well, and what it does for the world (57:20)

  • Feeling mystified, deeply curious, and privileged in the midst of an unpredictable world (1:03:47)

Resources Mentioned:

Connect with Kasia Urbaniak:

Connect with Betsy:

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Episode #51: Philip Clayton on the Intersection of Faith, Environmentalism and Social Justice