Speaking on ‘the future of work’

I thoroughly enjoyed being featured on an episode of my publisher’s podcast - the wonderful Emerald Publishing. They speak to me and my fellow Emerald author, organisational psychologist Dr. Thomas Chomorro-Premuzic about the future of work. We ponder how Covid, the 2020 US Presidential elections, social movements, climate change, a craving for personal purpose and other forces have forever changed the world of work, our expectations of employers and how ‘old fashioned capitalism’ is dead.

I thoroughly enjoyed our chat. So much so that I then interviewed Thomas here on my own podcast, The Discomfort Practice, where he talks about how most leaders are failing because they avoid uncomfortable conversations, and why society prefers male incompetence to female competence.

Emerald introduces the podcast episode in which I feature thus:

The past 12 months have seen major changes to how people are both working and consuming. Because of the pandemic and lockdowns, not only are we forced to rethink where we work, but also how to balance our personal life with our professional life.

Additionally, more than ever, consumers and employees are demanding companies take action on huge issues like climate change and racial justice. To discuss these challenges and opportunities we're joined by leading experts Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Betsy Reed.

Speaker profiles

Betsy Reed is an accomplished speaker, author and leader on social and environmental issues. She has led sustainability public affairs work for the world’s biggest food company and worked as an independent consultant advising executives in the food, tech and fashion industries on sustainability strategy, risk, and internal and external engagement.

Betsy’s passion is ensuring that systems, habits and policy approaches ultimately have a positive impact, on women and children in particular. She works towards that aim by focusing on working with leaders and policy, supply chains, consumer habits, education and sustainable development.

Betsy's most recent book, Communicating Social and Environmental Issues Effectively, is published by Emerald Publishing.

Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is an international authority in psychological profiling, talent management, leadership development, and people analytics. He is the Chief Talent Scientist at Manpower Group, co-founder of Deeper Signals and Metaprofiling, and Professor of Business Psychology at both University College London, and Columbia University.

He has previously held academic positions at New York University and the London School of Economics, and lectured at Harvard Business School, Stanford Business School, London Business School, Johns Hopkins, IMD, and INSEAD, as well as being the CEO at Hogan Assessment Systems.

Dr. Chamorro-Premuzic has published 9 books and over 130 scientific papers (h index 58), making him one of the most prolific social scientists of his generation.


Betsy talks about ‘Values, Discomfort & Holding Space’ on The Hive Podcast


Check out Betsy speaking about a “discomfort practice” on the podcast Almost Grown.... Up